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DIY - Transmission / Diff Fluid Change Reference Guide

kevin stauferland|
Tools needed
+ 10mm Hex bit socket like [ame=""]GearWrench 80660 1/2-Inch Drive Hex Bit Socket 10mm -[/ame]

+ 10mm socket
+ Ratchet
+ Torque Wrench
+ Fluid transfer pump if you aren't using Motul Gear 300

+ Bucket or oil drain pan to catch disposed fluid
+ Rags

Parts needed
+ API GL-3 or better rated fluid for the transmission 2.2L
+ API GL-5 fluid for the differential 1.3L
+ Rear Differential Drain Crush Washer
+ Rear Differential Fill Crush Washer
+ 2 Crush Washers for the transmission

Thanks @PMok
Originally Posted by PMok View Post

Differential fill plug gasket: SU00300122 @$2.30 each
Differential drain plug gasket: TOY1215710010 @$1.50 each
Transmission fill/drain plug gasket: SU00303626 @>$11 each

Reference Pictures
These are out of the BRZ service manual courtesy of Yellow is relevant to this DIY

20121005-MotulGear300-DIYReference-BRZFluidChart by VictorN07, on Flickr

20121005-MotulGear300-DIYReference-BRZTransmission by VictorN07, on Flickr

20121005-MotulGear300-DIYReference-BRZDifferential by VictorN07, on Flickr

This is the reference picture for the transmission. Sorry I didn't get one of the diff. Toyota got hosed on branding in this car. They are a major shareholder in Aisin, the people who make this transmission and they don't even get their name on it. lol

20121005-MotulGear300-DIYReference by VictorN07, on Flickr

General Notes
Change the fluid when it's warm. Just be careful not to burn yourself from hot fluid.

Transmission Steps
1. Raise the car. A lift makes this 100x easier, but if you use stands, please lift the entire car onto stands to keep it level. Refer to @GrimmSpeed DIY here
2. Remove only the black fiberglass shield. Refer to image from @GrimmSpeed DIY below
Originally Posted by GrimmSpeed View Post
GrimmSpeed DIY Guide Series
Exhaust System/Exhaust Manifold Removal and Replacement
Updated 6/7/12

3. Next, remove the seven (7) 10mm bolts holding the second underbody panel to the chassis. Set both aside.

- Matt
3. Now you can see the transmission as in the picture above. The fill and drain bolt are on the drivers side. The fill bolt is above the drain bolt. Use the 10mm Hex Bit Socket to remove the Fill Bolt. It is a long bolt.
4. Ready the bucket. Use the 10mm Hex Bit Socket to remove the Drain Bolt. This is a short bolt so be ready to catch the exiting fluid. Let the fluid drain. The fluid will initially shoot out sideways so position the bucket/pan. The OEM fluid will smell terrible due to all the additives. My fluid was like normal oil, a dark brown.
5. When the fluid has completely drained, replace the washer on the drain bolt with a new crush washer purchased. We didn't buy the washers so we just flipped the old one around and reused it. Install the drain bolt and tighten.
6. If you are using the Motul Gear 300, it has a built in flexible nozzle that fits exactly in the fill hole. Otherwise install the fluid transfer pump and stick the hose into the transmission. Put in 2.2L of fluid or enough to make the fluid come out of the fill hole like in the picture.
7. @cobrabyte had a neat trick. The service manual says to fill until the bottom of the fill hole. Let the fluid weep out of the fill hole. The picture shows you the path of the fluid so you can lay your bucket or towel to catch the drip. WHen the weeping crawls to a near stop then you are pretty much perfect. Check by inserting your pinky into the fill hole. Slightly bend it down and you'll feel fluid right there. Wipe up the mess.
8. Replace the crush washer on the fill bolt ( or flip the existing one ) and install it. Torque both fill and drain bolts to the tightness indicated by the service manual using a torque wrench.
9. Replace the black fiberglass shield and lower the car.

Differential Steps
1. Raise the car. A lift makes this 100x easier, but if you use stands, please lift the entire car onto stands to keep it level. Refer to @GrimmSpeed DIY here
2. Remove the fill bolt from the side of the differential using a 10mm Hex bit socket. Refer to the service manual diagram above for the location. The service manual drawing is the view from the passenger side.
4. Ready the bucket. Use the 10mm Hex Bit Socket to remove the Drain Bolt on the bottom. Catch the resulting fluid. My fluid was red.
5. I wished I took a picture; the drain bolt is magnetic. Mine was covered in a thick layer of sludge/metal shavings. What the heck is going on in that diff!!! Wipe away the sludge/metal shavings.
6. When the diff fluid has completely drained, put on a new crush washer on the diff drain bolt and install it. We just flipped our washers over.
7. Put the new fluid into the fill hole. Again our Motul bottles had a nozzle; if yours doesn't use the fluid transfer pump. 1.3L should do it.
8. Use the same weep procedure as the transmission to get an exact fill. Double check with the pinky.
9. Replace the washer on the fill bolt and install it. Torque both fill and drain bolts to the tightness indicated in the service manual.
10. Lower the car and enjoy
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